Developing a Fraud and Corruption Control Plan

Home / Developing a Fraud and Corruption Plan
At Warfield & Associates, we have developed a range of services that can assist your organisation reduce the likelihood of fraud, bribery and corruption occurring and when it does, identify it more readily. This includes developing a Fraud and Corruption Control Plan.

Fraud, bribery and corruption is more prevalent than most board members and senior management realise.  Surveys conducted over recent years in Australia show quite clearly that the larger the organisation, the greater the losses to fraud and corruption.

Fraud, bribery and corruption can destroy an organisation’s reputation, shake investor confidence and result in civil and criminal prosecution of directors and management.  The impact of fraud upon an organisation can be devastating.

With corporate governance under intense scrutiny, the market is looking to company directors and management to stamp out corporate fraud, and regulations are tightening to support this.


Our Featured Services

Our services have been developed to help organisations prevent, detect and investigate unethical behaviour.

Forensic Accounting

Forensic accounting is the specialty practice area of accounting...

Forensic Audits

Forensic Audits / Reviews examine the financial records of a business...

Investigation Services

Warfield & Associates provide qualified investigation services...

Fraud & Corruption Prevention Services

Warfield & Associates is a reputable fraud investigation service...

What is good fraud governance?

Good fraud governance requires more than just ensuring an effective system of internal controls. It requires:

The performance of an organisation can be improved through an organisational-wide application of a fraud and corruption strategy that incorporates these elements.

All organisations should have a Fraud and Corruption Control Plan. It is necessary to ensure that a thorough review has been conducted of all preventative and detective functions within the organisation and that responsibility has been allocated for review and maintenance of these functions.

With corporate governance under intense scrutiny, the market is looking to company directors and management to stamp out corporate fraud, and regulations are tightening to support this.


Experienced forensic accounting solutions. Get in touch today.


How can we help?

Warfield & Associates can assist you in developing a Fraud and Corruption Control Plan and help ensure that it is properly communicated to stakeholders. We ensure that your plan is tailored to your organisation and is consistent with the Australian Standard on Fraud and Corruption Control AS8001-2021.

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